Cronulla massage is a therapeutic massage which originates in Italy. The cronulla means ‘backside’ in Italian and the body area located on the backside is referred to as crista cronula. The cronulla refers to the large group of muscles that run down from the lower stomach, through the hip joint on the lower back, over the pubic bone and into the rectum. These are the muscles responsible for movement of the human leg and sit bones and this is why most people refer to their lower back, buttocks, hips and thighs as cronulla. The cronulla is named after the town of Cronti, where this massage originated, many centuries ago.
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Cronulla is a very popular type of massaging therapy, due to the fact that the massage therapist can pinpoint and target the precise areas of the back and buttocks. This enables them to work on muscle groups and promote overall health, as the individual muscle fibers benefit from this special stimulation. This type of therapy is very popular in sports massage, but also works great for massage in other areas. Many times, cronulla massage is also combined with other techniques such as Swedish massage, shiatsu, acupressure, reflexology and also guided meditation, in order to provide the best results possible.
The cronulla area is often very tight and tense and a massage therapist will use massage strokes and techniques to loosen and ease the tightness, especially if the individual has been experiencing some problems, such as back pain, which is common in the cronulla area. For example, many athletes find relief by using this type of massage when training and performing. It helps relieve tension, stress and anxiety and in many cases, athletes actually feel more limber and confident after a session. The massage therapist will apply pressure for a certain period of time, allowing the muscles to loosen and then they will slowly relax the muscles, so as not to harm or stimulate any other areas.