Namibia Hunting Safari
From the bushveld and savanna of northern Namibia to the desert landscape of the south, this country offers a variety of game and habitats for an extraordinary wildlife experience. From free-range hunting on vast private areas to million acre government hunting concessions, the trophy hunts in Namibia are amongst the best that Africa has to offer.
The country’s top five Burchell-Wolf Safaris game trophy animals are kudu, springbok, gemsbok, wildebeest and sable antelope. These species are all easy to take with well-placed shots. The horns of these animals are not particularly large, which makes them suitable for hunters with rifles in the.270 and.338 caliber range.
“Gear Up for Excitement: Essential Tips for Your Namibia Hunting Safari
A number of urban industrialised societies (and many biologists and recognised conservation organisations) see hunting as undermining conservation, or the anathema of it, and argue that removing all incentives for consumptive use of wildlife is the way forward. This view could not be further from the truth, and is in complete contrast to the Namibian trophy hunt industry which, when practised properly, promotes and achieves excellent conservation results.
All hunts in Namibia are regulated by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). The PHs you will be working with are members of the Namibia Professional Hunters Association, NAPHA, which means that they have to follow the highest standards of ethical hunting. The NAPHA has an ombudsman and disciplinary committee to whom hunters can turn in the event of unsatisfactory service or behavior by a member PH.