Biologique Recherche Lotion P50 Balancing Exfoliators

Biologique Recherche Lotion P50 Balancing Exfoliators

September 2, 2022

Lotion P50 Balancing Exfoliators  Biologique Recherche

Lotion P50V 1970 should be applied once or twice daily, after cleansing your skin. Apply the product gently without rubbing. Its high concentration of natural exfoliants is designed to give your skin a radiant glow. It is suitable for all skin types.

Here Are Some Things To Keep In Mind

Lotion P50 is designed to balance sebum excretion on the skin. It is also suitable for those who have oily T-zones and dry cheeks. This product is a great option for those who need a mild exfoliator to balance their skin.

Lotion P50 Balancing Exfoliators – Biologique Recherche contains phytic acid, a mild acid that has powerful antiseptic properties. It is banned in cosmetics in Europe, but is often used in embalming fluid and paint strippers. It’s not the best choice for people who are sensitive to perfumes, but it does smell great.

P50 Gentle is a gentle exfoliator that helps regulate melanin synthesis. This product is only sold at authorized retailers and spas. It contains phenol, a chemical banned in some countries but allowed in the US. It has antimicrobial and exfoliant properties but is a known lung irritant.

Lotion P50 is one of the cornerstone products in Biologique Recherche’s line. It purifies, tones, and regulates sebum while hydrating the skin. It also improves the symptoms of rosacea. It’s an excellent pre and post-shaving lotion, preventing ingrown hairs and balancing the skin’s pH level.

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