Advantages of Overhead Water Tower Construction

Advantages of Overhead Water Tower Construction

September 10, 2022


overhead water tower construction

There are many advantages of overhead tanks water tower construction. For starters, you can use it as an observation tower for the public. Many of them also have restaurants. A great example is the Goldbergturm in Sindelfingen, Germany. Another benefit of this type of construction is that it contains a regulating valve that separates the city into two different pressure zones. This allows for maximum water control. Also, it solves the problem of inadequate water storage. Additionally, it is a great way to promote the city to travelers.


Overhead water towers require a lot of structural stability. Aside from being tall, they must be strong enough to withstand the loads that they will be subjected to. This means that the design must consider the strength of the tower as well as the overall design of the structure. The design of the tank shell will depend on the expected amount of pressure and the type of reinforcement.

Secondly, an overhead water tower helps municipalities save money by enabling them to use smaller pumps. The demand for water in a community varies throughout the day. For example, in the morning, most people take showers before work or school. There are fewer people using water at 3 a.m. If a municipality didn’t have a water tower, it would have to invest in large pumps that would only run at peak times of the day. However, water towers can be expensive to install and maintain.

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